
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


As most of you know, I had a wonderful time going through the treasures in my Aunt's garage and bringing home a few...errrr...alot of them. Included in this collection was a stack of feedsacks that my grandmother had used for material to make clothes. I never knew the history of the feedsack until I did a little research on the internet. How interesting! Make the containers that feed comes in attractive and reusable for women!!! Genius!

I got them home and thought that I had some really neat prints with a few plain ones.  Little did I know when I opened the white one up it had print!  Calf Manna Pellets!  And the purple fabric?  A cow!!!  How fun.  The one that is of most significance to is this "key" print.  You'll have to wait for the next post to see why!  To be continued...

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  1. Those feed sacks are yummy! I can't wait to see what you do with them! Thanks for stoping by and leaving a nice comment! Have a great day!


  2. Love the key fabric and I love feed sacks. Thanks so much for sharing them at THT.
